The first quarter moon in Aries is asking you to rise from the ashes and rebuild

It’s official — 2018 might as well be tomorrow. We move forward into the new year wiser, braver, and probably a little (or a lot) more tired than when we entered into the last one. We’ve grown, we’ve hurt, we’ve cried, and we’ve loved. And we’ve done all this to the cycles of the moon and the earth, even if it was unbeknownst to us. Since we entered Capricorn season on the 22nd of December, we’ve ushered in a new energy, one that’s grounded and strong and luxurious; practical, but also pleasing. And on December 26th, we have a first quarter moon in Aries, a zodiac sign that will help us rebuild after the fire that was 2017 as we enter 2018.
As we finish up the year, we also get to start a new one, and what better sign to usher in this energy than that of fiery, visionary, and “get it done” Aries? Aries is also the first sign of the zodiac, so ending the year with a first quarter moon in this sign is appropriate. The first quarter moon is when we get to play, shift, and shape. It’s when we start to manifest, try new things, create new patterns for ourselves, and really set ourselves up for success. It’s the midway point between the new and full moon, and an opportunity for us to figure out how we can continue to grow and tend to ourselves.
Since this particular moon falls at the end of the year, this is also the time to set our sights forward while we make goals and resolutions for the new year (if we haven’t already).
In a piece on Astro Yoga, the fist quarter moon in Aries is described further. The piece explains,
"Any moon phase in Aries brings life to that which must live. Our love for fire and masculinity must live. Negative patriarchal archetypes must die...Aries is a naturally inspiring figure, but we should not forget that he is pure fire. Any square involving fire can easily lead to anger. I want to emphasize that people are generally more irritable when the moon is in Aries. Think before speaking and acting."
This is a time of intensity, and at the end of the year, post-holidays, many of us can finally start getting back into our bodies and winding down.
Between now and the new year, we have the opportunity to sit with these feelings of hope, our dreams, our inner fire, and our passion to see what paradigms need to be broken as we work to replace them. The first quarter moon in Aries may be a lot, but it’s a beginning and it’s a gift. Plus, with the stability of the sun in Capricorn grounding us, we’re able to look forward, head in the clouds, while still having our feet on the ground.
Take time to think about what you hope to accomplish in the next year, while honoring your feelings in the present. If you need time alone, or a way to get your anger out, this moon phase is perfect for taking a new class like kickboxing, tae kwon do, or pole dancing. Spending time alone, journaling, taking a bath, sitting under the moon, or communing with nature are all supported now as well.
Honor where you are and remember that a new year means a myriad of new opportunities. All you can do to prepare is be open to the possibilities.