The internet is obsessed with the “water girl” who photobombed tons of Golden Globes photos

We may have officially just found the most meme-able moment of the 2019 Golden Globe Awards. Or at the very least, the most meme-able moment from the red carpet. It all started when the good people of the internet noticed a woman holding a tray of Fiji water bottles in not one, but multiple photos from the evening. The woman was ostensibly hired to provide water for thirsty celebrities, meaning she couldn’t 100% avoid being in certain shots…and she appeared to take full advantage of the situation.

Check out the mysterious “Fiji water girl” as she photobombs (and stuns) in various photos from the evening:

We unfortunately don’t yet know who the Fiji water girl is or if she even realized she was in so many shots, but we promise we shall not rest until we have answers.

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