15 feminist authors to follow on Twitter ahead of tonight’s #debate

Batten down the hatches! Tonight at 9 p.m. EST, the third presidential debate will be airing, and we’re already looking up deep breathing exercises and homeopathic anxiety remedies we can put together in the next couple of hours. But one of our favorite debate coping mechanisms is scrolling through Twitter to offset our existential dread and fear of a fiery, terrible future.

It not only gives us something to do with our fingers (other than apply for a passport to literally any other country, of course), but also is full of people far wiser than we are having many of the same feelings! It’s comforting! And horrifying! Much like the democratic process!

In order to prepare you for the debate, we’ve compiled a list of our top fifteen feminist authors (who often tweet about politics). You should follow them on Twitter RIGHT NOW to make sure your in-debate entertainment is calibrated to the perfect balance of hilarious and on-point commentary.

We’re gonna make it through this election, ladies. Stay strong.

1. Jennifer Weiner

Writer, producer, former journalist. Witty AF. false

2. Roxane Gay

Feminist writer, professor, editor, and commentator. Going to change your life. false

3. Jessica Valenti

Writer and feminist blogger. Founder of Feministing, heyyyy. false

4. J.K. Rowling

She who need not be named.

5. Danielle Henderson

TV writer and creator of Feminist Ryan Gosling, and thereby our hero forever. false

6. Kelly Oxford

Author, screenwriter, social media maven. Canadian, so hopefully says “sorry” in that way that makes us smile.


7. Rebecca Traister

Author and editor of Elle Magazine.

8. Selena Coppock

Standup comedian, storyteller, editor, feminist, and author.

9. Jessi Klein

Comedy writer and stand-up comedian. You’ll LOL.

10. Jennifer Senior

Author and book critic for the NYT. Def can use a little more criticism this election.

11. Jessica Williams

She’s either already your fav or shortly hereafter will be.

12. Shonda Rhimes

As if we need to explain the queen of TV.

13. Susan Orlean

Writer, feminist, badass.

14. Amy Tan

One of those writers so talented that it makes you want to give up on words forever. Also, hilarious.

15. Irin Carmon

MSNBC and NBC national reporter. Loves RBG more than you.

We’ll just be over here, using our Twitter feed as a form of comfort.

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