6 Very Cool Film Projects By Women on Kickstarter

When you think of Kickstarter, what comes to mind? Design. Technology. Board games. Potato salad. How about female filmmakers? That’s right—there’s more to Kickstarter than innovative gadgets controllable by apps (though gadgets are cool). There are also unique and original film projects waiting to be made, and you can help back them for just $1.

F1. Backers: A Documentary About the Heroes of Crowdfunding by Ana Barredo

Barredo’s documentary, Backers, is about the people behind the donations of crowdfunded projects. Who donates? What motivates someone to support a complete stranger’s project? She’s identified a sort of addiction to donating to these projects. If you support Barredo’s Kickstarter and contact her, you could even possibly be featured in her documentary. Minimum donation is $1, and for $15 you’ll receive a digital download of the film upon its completion.

2. Solace – A Coming of Age Feature Film by Tchaiko Omawale

Omawale’s script, a Sundance Writers Lab finalist, is based on her personal struggles with having an eating disorder and dealing with self-harm issues. It’s a raw but real coming-of-age story that needs to be told. She’s hoping to raise $30k in 30 days, and doesn’t have much time left, so help her out! Minimum donation is $1, and $35 gets you a download of the movie and film score.

3. Eat Our Feelings by Eat Our Feelings (Emma and Sasha)

Look out, Hannah Hart: there’s a new quirky cooking show in town, though Eat Our Feelings is not your average cooking show. Emma and Sasha, the vegan and the non-vegan, serve up one-part cooking, one-part scripted comedy, and all-parts hilariously awesome. It’s very well shot, and the recipes are easy to follow along with. Also, they had me at their theme song. Minimum donation is $1, and $25 gets you a PDF of all the recipes.

4. Dream, Girl: The Documentary by Erin Bagwell

Did you know women are starting 1,200 new businesses per day? Funny that we rarely hear these stories, and always get the male perspectives instead. This documentary has interviews telling the stories of some of today’s most inspiring female entrepreneurs in a variety of industries. Interviews will cover the highs and lows of starting a business, finding support, and inspiring girls to dream big. Minimum donation is $1, and $20 gets you an exclusive first look at the documentary. Girl power!

5. Spark Contagious Inspiration in Your Local Community by Tien Pasco and Laura O. Martin

Playgroup in the Park is a collaborative learning program that connects parents, children, and teachers, and Pasco and Martin want to share the beauty behind the inspiration that happens in that space every day. There is something so simple about the joy of children learning and playing, and this documentary will capture that. Minimum donation is $1, and $25 gets you a thank-you card featuring original artwork created by the children.

6. Until 20: A Feature Documentary Film by Geraldine Moriba and Jamila Paksima

What would you do if you knew you were living the last year of your life? This documentary answers that question through the inspiring life of James Ragan, a young man fighting a rare cancer who is unsure if this year—or this day—will be his last. Moriba and Paksima hope to inspire both those living with cancer, and anyone who watches the documentary, to make the most of every day they’re given. Minimum donation is $1, and $20 gets you a set of Until 20 golf balls.

These ladies rock. Maybe we can give them some of that potato salad money?

(Featured image via ShutterStock from 1000 Words)