11 thoughts you have when you realize Hanukkah and Christmas Eve are on the same day

Guys. Hanukkah begins on Christmas Eve this year. As a Jew who grew up celebrating eight glorious days of Hanukkah with my mom’s side of the family and one delightful day of Christmas with my dad’s family, it’s probably safe to say that I milked the holiday gift giving season big time. And I know I’m not alone.

Even though Christmas isn’t observed as a holiday in the Judaism, many Jewish people still love it. Because the reality is, a lot of people are all about Christmas, and that’s okay! The chances of getting invited to a friend’s Christmas party are pretty high, because EVERYONE HAS CHRISTMAS PARTIES. (And they’re fun, because who can say no to sugar cookies and holiday sweaters? NO ONE CAN.)

And this year, that means Hanukkah really lasts eight days with a bonus day on December 25th.

 Hanukkah normally falls somewhere between the end of November and mid December. This year, however, things are a little different. Hanukkah begins on December 24th and ends on January 1st.

We have to share Hanukkah with Christmas AND New Years.


So here are some of the thoughts you’re probably thinking, respectively, as you realize Hanukkah has been compromised (in the best way possible, though):

1. Wait, will I still get double gifts?

 You’re not a greedy person, but double gifts are SO fun and an important part of celebrating all the holidays.

2. At least I don’t have to give double gifts.

Not saying Jews are all about saving money, but like, who doesn’t like saving money?

3. I’ll light the menorah early enough so I can make it to the Christmas party.

 That’s not sacrilegious, right?

4. OMG how will I wear my ugly Hanukkah sweater AND my ugly Christmas sweater AT THE SAME TIME?

Seriously, real question.

5. Who do I need to call to make sure this doesn’t happen next year?

Unfortunately, there’s no Rabbi in charge of the Hebrew calendar. If there is, his/her number is unlisted. But don’t worry, the overlap won’t happen next year (according to Google).

6. Is it legal to eat matzo ball soup and ham together?

Judaism says no, but every single one of your friends who celebrate Christmas say absolutely.

7. I’ll put blue and white lights on a Christmas tree and call it a Hanukkah bush.

 That’s pretty much what happens every year anyway.

8. Gonna need everyone everywhere to throw in some Hanukkah songs on their Christmas playlists.

So basically two melancholy songs mixed in with all 800,000 Christmas songs.

9. This is finally my chance to go Hanukkah caroling!

Again, it’ll be short and sweet.

10. My Christmas gifts for my friends will be socks and toothbrushes, just to give them a greater understanding of Hanukkah.

 Because caring is sharing.

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