Your February Tarot Card Reading, According to Your Zodiac Sign

It's time to start that new creative project.

As we settle into Aquarius season, you are starting to feel the newness of spring slowly approaching. Start a new self-care practice, plan a cool new creative project, and get excited for the next season of blessings the universe has to offer you.

Below is your February 2021 tarot card reading. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


Card: Six of Cups (Reversed)

Don’t get too comfortable in this period of rest, Aries! The time to act is near, and it’s time to gear up. As you plan for your next steps, ask yourself, “Are you ready to answer the call?”


Card: Strength

This month you’re moving forward with confidence and clarity. You know exactly where you’re headed and how to get there. Also, there will be people placed in your path that you are meant to work with, so be open to collaborations.


Card: Page of Wands

Yay! All your hard work is paying off, Gemini. Everyone will gather this month to celebrate you and your big accomplishments. You will see how your bold decisions will go in your favor this month. Expect good news.


Card: Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

You know what you’re worth and you’re no longer settling for less. Confidently communicate your value to those around you and experience the bliss of living in authenticity. Allow the old to fall away and get excited about where you’re going.


Card: Six of Pentacles (Reversed)

The universe is asking you to re-evaluate somethings, Leo. Something hasn’t been working and it’s time to make some needed changes. Holding on to old patterns has been holding you back. Break free and embody the energy of the “new.”


Card: Ten of Swords (Reversed)

You’ve been over-committing yourself, Virgo. I know you love to help the ones you love but sometimes you need time to recharge and reground. The time has come to switch up your priorities and put your needs first. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself.


February 2021 Tarotscopes

Card: Ace of Cups

Listen to your intuition, Libra. You know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing right now, so why not get started? You’ll have a lot of options this month but not all of them are worth your effort.


Card: Six of Wands (Reversed)

It will be easy for you to be distracted this month but stay focused. Your goals are not too far off, and your attention is more important now than ever. Keep going, Scorpio, because you’re almost there!


Card: Seven of Cups (Reversed)

Just because things are taking time to develop does not mean all is lost! Patience is key in this situation. Make sure to keep your mind relaxed and grounded this month. Now you wait.


Card: Four of cups (Reversed)

You feel so radiant this month, Capricorn. No longer in a funk, you feel well-rested and recharged. This will also be a good time to bond and connect with your body. You’re confident and it shows!


Card: Temperance

There’s an angel on your shoulder this month. You are protected and feeling so in tune with the universe. Trust and surrender are no problems for you as you know you’re being led to exactly what you need.


February 2021 Tarotscopes

Card: King of Swords

Speak your truth, Pisces. Sometimes you’re the one being called to shake things up and implement new ideas—and it’s time to trust that. No more holding off, the time is now!