Fear not! “Grey’s Anatomy” isn’t ending anytime soon
We wouldn’t hang up your stethoscope anytime soon, as it seems there are NO plans to end Grey’s Anatomy anytime soon.
Given that Grey’s is now in its 13th season, it’s now one of the longest running shows on TV. Despite it’s age, however, it’s still incredibly popular, and we totally get why. We’ve become so attached to the characters on the show (even when showrunning Shonda Rhimes decides to KILL THEM ALL OFF) so much that they practically feel like family. And, like a family, we’ve been through a lot together. We’ve seen car crashes, plane crashes (whelp), shootings (double whelp), tumors, Alzheimer’s, drownings, and more death than we even thought possible. However, we’ve also seen love blossom, families grow, and careers expanded. It’s been a wild and unpredictable ride, and we still love it.
However, given how long Grey’s Anatomy has been running, we often worry that the show might be cancelled.
Yet, according to ABC Chief Channing Dungey, it’s unlikely that we’ll be saying goodbye to our favorite dysfunctional doctors anytime soon.
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Dungey said that she thought that there would be many more seasons of the beloved medical drama so that it could match (or beat) E.R.
"That’d be lovely. I’ll take even more! Honestly, I think that the show is going to continue as long as Shonda and the gang have a creative passion for telling those stories," she said. "At the moment, it feels like we’re full steam ahead."
Tbh, this is the best news we’ve heard in AGES. Of course, we’d love Grey’s to continue for ever and ever.
According to EW, Grey’s Anatomy is still on the fourth most watched entertainment show, which is pretty impressive given it’s been running for 13 seasons. But what is it’s secret to success?
"What Shonda and the team at Grey’s have really been able to do over time is continue to bring in new characters that give the series additional life and energy while remaining true to the core cast of characters," Dungey said. "When I’ve been looking at the fan feedback and reaction from this season, people are more interested than ever in the relationship between Meredith and Alex, and these are two characters that have been around since season 1. But we’re now experiencing them in a totally different way than we have before. That’s just what the writers do so well; they continually peel back new layers of these characters that we get to expand and explore."
It seems fitting that Mer and Alex have become close, especially given that Izzie, Christina, AND Derek have all either died or left the show (although we seriously hope that Christina might return one day). And, given Alex’s complicated storyline at the moment, it’s nice to see the pair supporting each other.
Unfortunately, we have a slightly longer wait for Grey’s Anatomy to return to our screens (but only by seven days. The show, along with the rest of Shonda Rhimes’ T.G.I.T. lineup will return on January 26th on ABC.