Fans of “Star Wars” should get ready to LOL at this new comedy
ICYMI, Star Wars fans are some of the most dedicated — if not the most dedicated — fans around. Now, fans of Star Wars should get ready to LOL at this new comedy, which is being made all about them, reported CinemaBlend. The comedy? A new film, The Line Kings, that’ll start shooting in L.A. this spring.
It’ll follow a group of Star Wars fans who camp out on Hollywood Boulevard for four days after Disney announces that the first fans in line after four days will be rewarded with walk-on roles in the next Star Wars film. We’d definitely do it. Wouldn’t you?!
But back to the movie plot.
Two groups of fans vie for being first. Uh-oh. Who will it be?! We’re in suspense already.
Aside from being ~huge~ Star Wars fans ourselves, we love how relatable the plot is. After all, over the years, we can certainly remember seeing Star Wars line after Star Wars line, if not participating in them ourselves.
This woman was apparently second in line for Rouge One, so she could probably def relate to The Line Kings.
Others get to wait inside — a big plus!
And fans find ways to keep busy while waiting in Star Wars lines.
Some also dress up, of course.
As for more movie deets, Tony Dow will direct The Line Kings, reported Variety. Of course, we will ~never~ forget him as Wally Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver. Furthermore, the film is written and being produced by Billy Riback and Steve Rubin.
We. Can’t. Wait. Once the movie’s out, we’ll see you in line — because, no doubt, there’ll be lines, but they’ll be so worth it.