This family’s dubstep Christmas light show takes 300 hours to produce — and it’s worth every second

The holiday season is upon us. That means we’re that much closer to finding new holiday-themed things to obsess over as we approach this special time of year. But just like our favorite holiday movies, Christmas-themed light shows are another exciting and festive thing to watch. And as reported by Good Housekeeping, one family took that into consideration while planning their dubstep Christmas light show… which took a total of 300 hours to produce!
With urging from his wife, Matt Johnson transformed their home into a Christmas masterpiece - an 8,000-pixel light-and-sound show that includes multicolored arches, snowflakes, and holiday trees, all dressed up in their Christmas best.
The best part? These decorations dance to dubstep music.
Sound too good to be true? Take a look at the video yourself below!
The best past is that this new family tradition gets all of the Johnsons involved, including their children. And with some crafty positioning of the lights, the Johnsons are even able to keep their December electric bill from skyrocketing.
Plus, they use the attention that their Christmas light show generates to raise money for special causes. Last year, they raised over $7,700 to help construct a well in Central Africa.
This year, they’re looking to keep bringing some holiday cheer to those who need it most.