This family turned their late father’s ashes into fireworks so they could honor him in a unique way
A family in Ireland wanted to honor their late father by sending him out with a (literal) bang.
Barney Brack, father of two, died suddenly on November 2nd, 2015 at 54 years old.
His family thought there would be no better way to honor Brack than to send his ashes up in a firework rocket on the night of a Halloween fireworks display in Dublin.
A big lover of Halloween, Brack had been hosting the fireworks display for the past 23 years.
Family friend Marty Whelan told the Irish Times they were planning the special send-off for more than a month, even though the Catholic Church released guidelines last week banning the scattering of ashes.
“There was a real devil in him, a roguish sense of craic, Whelan said. “Everyone in the area was talking today about how much Barney would have loved it all. We reckon he is somewhere up there laughing at the craic we were having in his honor.