Fake It ‘Til You Make It: DIY

The only creative things I know how to do with my hands are writing and miming for the waiter to bring the check. I mean, I can barely wrap a Christmas present. I blame that on an especially harsh art teacher in third grade who ridiculed a tree I drew. Needless to say, I do not have the crafting bug that seems that have swept the nation. And personally, I’m feeling the pressure. It’s the holiday season and… I’m getting married. And every wedding website and magazine is telling me that I have to have DIY centerpieces, save the dates and decor! So. Many. Mason jars!

You can’t turn on your computer without seeing some fancy crafty thing that you can make with just a few items. And all your friends are making crap. You go to a bridal or baby shower and there are handmade decorations (in just 70 easy steps!) and gift bags made to look like swans made from pieces of the bride/mom-to-be’s baby blanket or whatever. Don’t get me wrong, that stuff is totally impressive, innovative and creative. But as soon as people start to discuss their crafting projects I start to feel bored and inadequate as a woman and a member of this new DIY generation.

But you gotta admit; it’s less expensive to make gifts, décor, and clothes than it is to buy them. So it’s something we should all learn to at least appreciate and discuss. We might learn something..

Here are 8 things that you can discuss with the DIY masters of your life while draped in the blanket they just made you and sipping homemade tea mix from the cups they molded in pottery class.

1. I can’t decide whether to ombre this chair or just dip dye it.

Ombre isn’t just something you can do to your hair. You can ombre or gradually lighten the color of just about anything from cakes to tables to walls. Dip dyeing is just making part of something a totally different color by literally dipping it into paint or dye.

2. I don’t buy facials or scrubs anymore, all you need is right in your home!

Now DIY beauty products… I can get behind that. We’ve all heard that oatmeal is great for facials and sugar for body scrubs. Did you know used coffee grounds help with cellulite and kitty litter facials exfoliate just as well as regular clay masks? I said they were useful, not glamorous.

3. My favorite stitch for making a baby blanket is a garter.

In knitting there are like a million different kinds of stitches and even more kinds of yarn. Stitches are what make the pattern of the yarn but the pattern is the design that is on the blanket/scarf/hat/sweater/stuffed animal, make sense? Knitting is insanely popular with the DIY crowd, not just with your Nana.

4. Forget decoupaging that table, let’s talk about decoupaging the ceiling!

Decoupage is the art of gluing colored paper cutouts on to a surface to give it a painted effect. It’s kind of like wallpaper but if you were wall papering with a collage of cutouts. Most people decoupage smaller items like coffee table tops and boxes. But now, this DIY generation has taken it to the next level and started covering huge surfaces like ceilings.

5. I love my succulent garden.

Succulents are those tiny fat plants that are like the roly poly kittens of the plant world. They are so cute!  Everyone has a freaking succulent garden, whether it’s in tiny decoupaged pots or built into their tables! The reason for the succulent craze? They need very little care, so they’re perfect for the crafty folks who are too busy turning mason jars into lighting fixtures to care for a plant.

6. Please, I’m not buying those expensive print pillows, I’ll just get some stencils and fabric paint.

Remember stencils? I used to stencil the crap out of Barbie and all her outfits when I was a kid. But now, the art of stenciling is a stylish and easy way to bring life to a blank wall or plain throw pillows. This is actually a DIY project that even I couldn’t screw up.

7.  If I get sick of the look of something, I just wrap it in twine.

Jars, vases, lamps, candles….anything can be wrapped in twine . If you have a glue gun and some rope you can turn any sedentary object into an objet d’art for your nautical bathroom or a statement piece in your rustic dining room.

8. If I can’t make it myself, I’ll find it on Etsy.

Need I say more? Honestly, we could all go on Etsy right now and pass it off as our own handiwork. I won’t tell if you won’t!


Go to Pinterest. Okay…here are a few other specialty DIY sites if you really want to delve into knitting or decoupage or general decor.

DIY Network – Everything DIY all the time.

Tater Tots and Jello – Decorating and crafts

Apartment Therapy – All your DIY home decor needs

The Purl Bee – Chic knitting site with guides, tutorials and all the yarn advice you could need.

DIY Bride – For crafty brides-to-be

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