Facebook just introduced a town hall feature and it makes doing your civic duty seriously easy

If you have been looking to make a difference in this current political climate but don’t know how to begin, you’re not alone. Lots of people are feeling motivated to get more involved, but are new to political action outside of voting. Well, guess what: Facebook just made it super easy with a new feature designed to help you make your voice heard. Located in your Facebook menu, the brand new “Town Hall” feature shows you how to contact your representatives. false

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, shared his hopes for the feature in a manifesto last month:

In times like these, the most important thing we at Facebook can do is develop the social infrastructure to give people the power to build a global community that works for all of us.

So basically, if you contact your representatives, you will be making a difference without ever having to leave the comfort of your bed/chair/couch/best friend’s dorm room. Wherever you can log on to Facebook!

Zuckerberg also stressed Facebook’s role in increasing basic knowledge about our democracy.

Today, most of us do not even know who our local representatives are, but many policies impacting our lives are local, and this is where our participation has the greatest influence.

If you want to know the fastest way to contact your representatives with the “Town Hall” feature, your best bet is the Facebook mobile app.

You will find the menu icon in the lower right corner. Scroll down to the “explore” column and select “more”. You will see a “Town Hall” option. Just give a tiny bit of your personal info so it can provide you with a list of your local, state and federal reps! You can “follow” their Facebook pages, or “contact” them with a phone number or an email! It may even direct you to their professional website so you can learn more. See? Super easy!

The challenges of the current political climate can only be met with new tools. Facebook town hall seems like a great way to bolster political involvement in the age of social media.

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