Facebook has officially shut down the app that caused all kinds of unfriending drama

Remember that app we told you about? The one that could show you who had unfriended you on Facebook? The app, Who Deleted Me, took the Internet by storm, becoming number one in the iOS App Store, but Facebook has hit the dislike button on the extension, and now it’s no longer available on any platform.

When you go to the app’s website, you now can only read this statement by creator Anthony Kuske:

ABC reached out to Facebook for comment, and a spokesperson told them that they “take action against any app that violates [their] terms and policies.” Specifically, the app didn’t use Facebook’s API which ensures people have control over their information, and the concept of the app itself did not “respect the limits [they’ve] placed on Facebook functionality.” Both of these are official policies, all of which are outlined here.

Anthony goes on to explain that all personal information has been erased, and gives instructions for how to uninstall the browser extension on Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

After the overwhelming — but fleeting — success of the app, Anthony is moving on to working on non-Facebook-related projects. You can check out some of his previous work here and here, and keep up with what’s to come over on his Twitter. Is he going to make something that reveals who unfollowed us over there? The drama never ends!

(Image via)

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