Facebook just launched a new portal that’s a game-changer for every parent

For parents raising kids in the digital age, there’s a lot to be scared of online. From bullying to shaming to over-sharing and identity theft, way too many things can go wrong. That’s why Facebook launched a new Parents Portal yesterday: It’s a place where parents can learn how to talk to their kids about the internet and social media, and help them to make most of the incredible resource at their fingertips — safely.

Facebook’s new Parents Portal is housed within the site’s already-existing Safety Center, where users can learn about Facebook’s policies and the tools it offers to help us stay safe and comfortable online. In the Parents Portal, moms, dads, and other caregivers can find tips from Facebook and expert advice from external organizations all over the world, such as Kids Help Phone in Canada and Childnet International in the U.K., on the best ways to teach kids about social media.

In the Parents Portal you’ll find tons of useful advice, such as:

Let your child know that the same rules apply online as apply offline: Just as you might tell your child to look both ways before crossing the street or to wear a helmet while riding their bike, teach them to think before they share online.”

“Engage early: Data suggest that parents should engage online with their children as soon as they are on social media. Consider friending them when they join Facebook.”

Ask your children to teach you: Children are more in touch with the newest apps and sites, and they can be an excellent resource. The conversation can also serve as an opportunity to talk about issues of safety, privacy and security.”

We may be a far cry from the old days when our parents feared we’d try to meet up with strangers from chat rooms IRL — but that doesn’t mean today’s dangers are any less real. So we’re cheering on this new addition to FB!

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