Everything is awesome about the trailer for “The LEGO Batman Movie”

This movie is our JAM! The teaser dropped today for The LEGO Batman movie, a spin-off of 2014’s surprising hit The LEGO Movie, and it looks like there is plenty of DARKNESS and NO PARENTS to go around.

The LEGO Movie’s take on Batman was hailed as a highlight in a film full of creativity, embracing the Dark Knight’s obsession with his own brooding and adding a twist in the form of his penchant for dropping sick beats. It was hilarious to see the often-humorless superhero parodied for all his quirks, and Will Arnett did a smashing job of replicating the Bat’s doubled-down vocal fry.

Now that Batman has his own feature, the trailer suggests we’ll get a deeper look at his very, very, very lonely existence, (“I deserve this,” he tells himself in the trailer about re-heated lobster thermidor. “Today, I deserve this.”)

Screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) and co-director of The Lego Movie Chris McKay do have some work cut out for them, of course. While LEGO Batman featured hilariously as a side character in the original film, transitioning humor that worked fantastically in small dollops into the main thrust of a movie is serious work, and not all franchises do it well. Still, with a supporting cast including Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes, Zach Galifianakis, and freaking MARIAH CAREY as the mayor of Gotham, LEGO Gotham may finally have the hero it needs (please, oh please, let there be a Batman/Mariah duet.)

Check out the trailer, and before you feel too much sympathy, remember that Batman is “SUPER RICH…KINDA MAKES IT BETTER!”

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