Evanna Lynch (aka Luna Lovegood) just discovered her patronus and she is NOT amused

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you MUST be aware that Pottermore recently released a quiz to tell you what kind of patronus you would cast based on your personality. If you’re not aware, please pause now to take the quiz and find out what you are, because this should probably be as integral to your identity as your Hogwarts or Ilvermorny House (Slytherin, Horned Serpent, wolf. Holla.)


Unfortunately, not everybody is so thrilled about the outcome of their patronus quiz. Evanna Lynch, aka Luna Lovegood from the movies (whose own patronus was a hopping hare), is in fact suuuuper disappointed in Pottermore’s decision.


She, understandably, took to Twitter to share her frustration.

Since one of the possible quiz outcomes includes “vole,” we’re sure she’s not alone.


Harry Potter is so central to the lives and identities of many (SO MANY) people in the world, so we totally understand how strange it must be to get an answer you find so antithetical to what you’d expected, especially when it comes from a quiz approved by Queen Jo herself. false

Still… we hope that after sitting with her patronus a while (not literally, because ew), Evanna Lynch finds something to love about it, and maybe realizes something new about herself through this realization. That’s the best thing about Harry Potter, after all.


In Pottermore (and JKR) we trust.

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