Evan Rachel Wood says she only *just* got equal pay on HBO’s Westworld, and isn’t she, like, the star?

The wage gap is finally entering the national conversation in a significant way. In Hollywood, the pay disparity between men and women is notably uneven and, well, absurd. Mark Wahlberg made eight times Michelle Williams’ pay in All the Money in the World. Matt Smith made more than Claire Foy on The Crown, and Foy plays the queen. So when we heard that Evan Rachel Wood has finally reached pay parity on Westworld, we were shocked, because, wait, isn’t she the star of that show?

Okay, yes, one could argue that she, Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris, and Jeffrey Wright are all co-leads, but c’mon — at its heart, Westworld is a show about a robot who becomes sentient, and WHO plays the robot at the center of the story? EVAN RACHEL WOOD. 

Wood recently revealed that she just wrapped Season 2 and that her equal pay will kick in for Season 3.

“I think I’m just now to the point where I’m getting paid the same as my male co-stars, she told The Wrap. “I was just told that, you know, ‘Hey you’re, you’re getting equal pay.’ And I almost got emotional. I was like, ‘I have never been paid the same as my male counterparts. Never, never.'

She admitted that when she was hired, she assumed she’d make less than her co-stars: “Westworld, it’s like, I get it a little more. It’s like, ‘Well, you’re Anthony Hopkins or Ed Darris.’ However, she admits that her new pay bump is well-deserved. “I think now we’re all doing equal amounts of work and really hard work.”

“I’m not saying I'm in like dire straits. I’m very lucky. It’s more about if you’re getting paid fairly, or the same, or if you’re getting paid less simply because you’re a woman, that’s not fair, Evan added. “This is the first time that somebody made a point of being like, ‘Hey you’re getting this. And you deserve it.’ And that was nice.

Westworld Season 2 premieres on April 22nd, 2018 on HBO.

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