Evan Peters finally showed up for real on “American Horror Story” and everyone had ~feelings~

American Horror Story: Spoilers.

The wait is finally O-V-E-R. After sitting through four episodes — that’s four whole hours! — without Evan Peters, he finally showed up on American Horror Story: Roanoke.

And his long awaited character is…Edward Mott. He’s the guy who originally built the Murde House because he wanted to escape all the hustle and bustle of the world, and simply hide away in his giant house with his lovers — a servant named Guinness, and a bunch of paintings. Oh, eccentric Evan Peters characters on AHS, never change.

Ryan Murphy actually teased Evan’s appearance early on Wednesday, so we knew to prepare our minds and bodies for his arrival. But even still, watching him strut around Roanoke with red hair and a giant white wig, it was almost too much for us. Twitter just about lost it.

There were jokes about the fact that we finally got Evan…and he was dead.





We had feelings about his hair.

Evan also made out with a guy, and we all needed a few moments to check our EMOTIONS.

Honestly, we were just happy to have him back.
