Episode 92: Caitlin Mahoney ‘Dancing In The Dark’ (Bruce Springsteen)

Caitlin Mahoney is a singer-songwriter based in NYC. Raised in Florida, she has been singing as long as she’s been talking and thinks that Bruce Springsteen songs never get old. She is releasing her first EP West for a While in April 2013. Like her on Facebook, follow her on Twitter and check her out at caitlinmahoney.com.

As part of our super fun Video Chat Karaoke series, we’d love to see our wonderful readers (that means you!) show us your stuff by sending in clips of you singing along to your favourite tunes.

Here’s Caitlin working it to the Bruce Springsteen track ‘Dancing In The Dark’ – we think she does a great job!

If you like what you see, don’t forget to leave some virtual applause in the comments section below!