This mesmerizing video of EOS lip balm getting cut in half is a strangely effective stress reliever
The most unconventional things can be the most satisfying and calming. Whether you finally tweezed that single pesky wild eyebrow hair, or you noticed a box of shoes slides perfectly into that leftover space in your closet. It’s the little things that make the biggest difference.
That's why this video of an EOS lip balm getting cut in half is the latest bizarre addition to the list of things that make us sigh with content.
The video was shared by an Instagram account,, that is the ultimate source for watching things get cut in half with a hot knife (it’s a niche audience). After being up on their account for just two days, the video has already been viewed 1.2 million times.
Viewers just can't get enough of the visuals. It's fascinating to see the middle of the hard lip balm eventually reveal a liquefied center.
What do you think — are you taken aback by the oddly mesmerizing video of EOS lip balm?
H/T Seventeen