Here’s what we know about Emma Watson’s newest movie role

Our fearless UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and future Belle, Emma Watson, continues to add more and more projects to her already jam-packed schedule. Can she do it all? I hope so, because the latest movie she’s signed on to sounds crazy good, and totally socially relevant: it’s all about technology and privacy in the digital age.

Watson will star as Mae in The Circle, according to The Wrap, a film based on the Dave Eggers novel of the same name. Fresh out of college, Mae lands a job at a big technology company, and while it seems like a dream, it quickly becomes a nightmare. The company is called The Circle, and in an effort to become totally “transparent” it has all employees “link users’ personal emails, social media, banking and purchasing with their universal operating system.”

That doesn’t sound too scary, right? We do those same things every single day. However, for Mae, a huge conspiracy is uncovered within The Circle as they collect all sorts of personal information, quickly “rendering privacy obsolete.” OK, that sounds a touch scary, even more so as Mae finds herself rising higher in the ranks at the company.

Mae’s not alone at The Circle, and Watson isn’t alone in the movie, either. So far only one other cast member has been announced, and this is a big one: Tom Hanks. He’ll play a “mysterious older man” within the company. If you want to learn more about who that man might be before the movie comes out, check out some clues from the book’s New York Times review.)

The movie’s script will be written by James Ponsoldt, who’s also going to direct. He’s the guy who did The Spectacular Now with Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley, so I’ve got a good feeling about this one.

And Ponsoldt has a good feeling about Watson. “Emma Watson is one of my favorite actors,” he told The Wrap, “and her incredible talent, sensitivity, and deep intelligence will bring an electric energy to ‘The Circle.’”

No doubt.

(Image via Instagram via UN Women)

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