Hear Emma Stone’s elegant and powerful awards show speech about Orlando

We don’t see much of Emma Stone in the public eye, but when we do, she has important things to say. The actress, who is appearing in the upcoming biopic Battle of the Sexes as tennis player Billie Jean King, gave a speech on Thursday night in New York City at the Logo Trailblazer Honors gala, and she made sure to honor the victims of Orlando, and give her thoughts on gun control.

I just want to take a moment and give my love to the people of Orlando, especially the friends and families of the victims,” she said when she took the stage to honor Billie Jean King at the event, reports E!

She then went on to address the sit-in that took place in Washington, where democrats protested in pursuit of better gun legislation.


“And I want to thank the representatives who held the floor of the House to demand common sense gun laws,” she continued. “I am sure I speak for everyone in this room when I tell you that we stand and sit in solidarity with you. I don’t think it’s ever been more important to celebrate the heroes of equality than right now and this is what tonight is about.”

When Emma prepared for the role, she took lessons with Billie Jean King herself. While learning, Billie would tell her to “forget the bad ones” and “focus on the next ball.” There’s a greater lesson in that that Emma wants us all to remember: forget the negative, because the next ball might just be a good one. We’ll carry these words of wisdom in our hearts.

Watch Emma’s speech below, and catch the full program Saturday night on VH1.

2016 Trailblazer Honors

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