Emma Stone doing a Britney Spears impression will drive you crazy in the best way
Today, Vogue launched one of their infamous “73 Questions” with actress Emma Stone. The star of Spider-Man and the upcoming La La Land led the creator of the segment Joe Sabia through her Los Angeles home while answering questions. Emma revealed a number of personal details about herself, including the fact that she cried in front of Tom Hanks and that Dubsmash is her favorite app. She also showed off her beautiful dog Ren and even suggested a new holiday: Dress Up Your Dog in a Raincoat Day.
But our favorite moment was definitely Emma Stone’s impression of Britney Spears.
Joe asked Emma to give him her best impression of someone famous, and Emma totally rocked it. She has clearly practiced her Britney voice, as so many of us have. Emma sings out the start of “Hit Me Baby, One More Time,” a total classic.
There are so many reasons why we love Emma Stone, and her fabulous impression just adds another to the list. Her entire interview was relatable and fun, because she is just so adorable.