Emma Roberts’s new bookclub book is one you’ll want to pick up

Did you know that Emma Roberts has a book club? It’s called Belletrist, and her latest pick is something we can’t wait to get our hands on. Belletrist, the book club started by Roberts and Karah Preiss, celebrates a new book each month and this month, the choice is Sex & Rage by Eve BabitSex & Rage is a reissue of the popular novel published in 1979 about a girl moving between Los Angeles and New York City. The story focuses on Jacaranda, a 20-something who up and moves to New York to start a new life.

We love what Emma Roberts had to say about the book, and why it means so much to her.

As someone who grew up in Los Angeles, Roberts describes how she can relate to Jacaranda. She describes how adolescence is messy and murky and hard.

Eve Babitz is the author of seven published works, all of which Roberts encourages us to head out and read after finishing Sex & Rage. We love that Roberts is so encouraging of reading, this summer and in general.

Sex & Rage is a great read for anyone currently in their 20s or anyone who can identify with the feeling of being unsure of what’s next. (So, all of us?)

We can’t wait to pick it up.

Belletrist has done a great job of picking lesser known books. The kind of books that inspire, motivate, and make us feel.

Recently, the book club announced their first poetry competition!

The book club is also hosting a poetry competition this month. Through the beginning of August, you are invited to submit a poem in honor of the release of Atticus’s Love Her Wild. The winner will be announced on August 7th.

Good luck! We are rooting for you!

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