Emma Roberts’ marble bag is giving us major purse inspo

We all know that Emma Roberts is a style KWEEN. Her clothes and accessories are always on point. And if you need further proof, just know that a few hours ago Emma Instagrammed the purse trend of THE YEAR (probably). LOOK AT THIS BAG:
Marble print? Omg. So cute. We’ve never seen this before, but evidently it’s been a thing for a little while now — it first made an appearance on the fashion scene in late summer 2015. Of course Emma makes it look absolutely fab. And while the paperclips are a bit odd, they kind of work, right? (Maybe Kris Jenner was onto something with that paperclip necklace?)
Emma’s Insta is one of our favorites for this exact reason. Here are some of her most memorable style shots:
THAT JUMPSUIT! Omg. We are obsessed.
AND THAT HAIR. She’s one of those people who can pull off any hair color.
In an interview with Who What Wear, Emma discussed how she chooses her clothes and accessories. Hint: it’s not about being cool:
“I think for me, I just started to not succumb to trends just because they are trendy and to follow my instincts and do what I think looks good on me and what is comfortable. It feels really good to do that, because it doesn’t really matter if you are following the trends if you’re comfortable. I wear these tie-dye vintage shirts to work a lot of times, and everyone makes fun of me. They’re like, ‘You’re wearing a tie-dye shirt?’ And I’m like, “I know, but I love it. These shirts have good energy and they make me happy.” I’ve started to find my own style and stay true to that. And I feel like that’s when you look best.”
We love everything you wear, Emma! But, more importantly, where can we get this bag?!!