Ellen DeGeneres grilled Khloé Kardashian about Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy, and it was a little awkward

Khloé Kardashian stopped by The Ellen Show on Thursday, January 4th to promote the second season of her show Revenge Body and debut her new baby bump on live television, but the interview took a detour when Ellen DeGeneres grilled Khloé about Kylie Jenner’s rumored pregnancy. It has become DeGeneres’s shtick to prod her interviewees about their dating life and any other rumors, but the more DeGeneres pressed Khloé for answers about her sister’s pregnancy, the weirder it got.
Ellen: “Is Kylie craving things yet?”
Khloé: “What do you mean?”
Ellen: “She’s pregnant.”
Khloé: “Oh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Ellen: “Come on now.”
Khloé: “Come on, Ellen.”
Ellen: “Why wasn’t she on the Christmas card?”
Khloé: “Um, I don’t know. You gotta ask Kylie. Why don’t you get Kylie on the show?”
Ellen: “She must be pregnant. There’s too much secrecy around it. Look at your eyes! Y’all, she’s pregnant! I can tell by her eyes!”
Khloé: “I am pregnant! I am pregnant!”
Ellen: “No, not you! Kylie is pregnant! I can tell Kylie is pregnant. I will make a bet right now that she is pregnant. So, Kylie‘s pregnant. That’s great.”
Yeesh. Khloé handled it like a champ, but we can’t pretend like this wasn’t a bit awkward to watch.
Kylie’s rumored pregnancy has become a bit of an open secret at this point. It was widely assumed that the family’s annual Christmas card would confirm Kylie’s baby news, but she never appeared in the Christmas card and has been hiding out from the public — except for a few head shots shared to social media. We suppose that Kylie will let the world know what’s going on in her own time.