Ellen DeGeneres and Bradley Cooper need our help (and our retweets)
Ellen DeGeneres is usually the most kindhearted, generous soul on television. Usually — until someone messes with her Twitter record. During a taping of The Ellen Show this week, she made a plea to the public, revealing some shocking news about an iconic tweet of hers, and it’s obviously very serious.
To put it simply: DeGeneres and Bradley Cooper are taking on “Nugget Kid” on Twitter, and they’re in desperate need of our help.
But who’s Nugget Kid, you’re probably wondering? Let us explain.
Sixteen-year-old Carter Wilkerson tweeted Wendy’s last week asking how many retweets he would need to receive an entire year’s supply of chicken nuggets. His tweet picked up major traction after Wendy’s responded to him with a pretty hilariously unreasonable number, but a number he was willing to attempt to achieve.
— Carter Wilkerson (@carterjwm) April 6, 2017
Next time I eat these they better be free @Wendys pic.twitter.com/ZvxwpiLAeD
— Carter Wilkerson (@carterjwm) April 7, 2017
Eighteen million is a lot of retweets, considering the tweet with the most retweets of all time was DeGeneres’ famous 2014 Oscar tweet. You know, the one involving Cooper, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, and a slew of other famous faces.
If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars pic.twitter.com/C9U5NOtGap
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) March 3, 2014
Her tweet clocked in at 3.3 million, and she’d like to continue holding onto her title. So she and Cooper filmed a PSA asking America to do what’s right and to keep retweeting the tweet. Because, as she put it,
"This Nugget Kid needs your help to reach his goal, but we need your help more."
Wilkerson’s tweet is currently up to 2.9 millions retweets, and if/when he succeeds in surpassing DeGeneres’s total, Wendy’s has promised to make a major donation to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption (DTFA).
The rumors are true @TheEllenShow! We’ll donate $100k to @DTFA supporting adoption WHEN @carterjwm breaks your RT record. #NuggsforCarter https://t.co/iI1OdIjTb7
— Wendy’s (@Wendys) April 13, 2017
So the more retweets both DeGeneres and Wilkerson get, the better off everyone will be. (We have a feeling Nugget Kid will get his nudges.)