The elderly couple who were forced into different nursing homes have reunited and we’re not crying, you’re crying

Imagine living with the love of your life for 62 years, and then being forced to separate?

That’s the situation in which Anita and Wolfram Gottschalk found themselves earlier this year. The elderly couple from Surrey, British Columbia was forced to move into separate nursing homes.

A photo of them in tears went viral as people’s hearts collectively broke, thanks to their grandaughter’s compassionate Facebook post:

But today, our faith in humanity is restored, because Anita and Wolf are finally BACK TOGETHER.

It wasn’t easy to get to this point. Wolf is in the early stages of dementia, and was also recently diagnosed with lymphoma. Family members would drive Anita 40 minutes everyday to see her husband.

"Time is running out," their granddaughter, 29-year-old Ashley Bartyrik who cares for the couple full-time, told CNN.

But after eight months of separation, Ashley was able to share the exciting news on Facebook that Wolf was moving into the Residence at Morgan Heights, where Anita was living.

In the post, she thanked "everyone around the world that liked, shared, or discussed their story," on behalf of her grandparents.

Without further ado, here’s the video of the two lovebirds reunited at last. Spoiler alert: There will be tears.

We’re so happy these two are together at last. Love is real, guys.