Ed Sheeran thinks his “Game of Thrones” cameo has been way too built up

By now, you’ve probably heard that Ed Sheeran will be appearing on Game of Thrones. But in Sheeran’s mind, it’s no big deal. (Of course, he said that well after meeting Kit Harington for the first time.)

Since Game of Thrones is known for big, jaw-dropping scenes and surprise deaths, it makes sense that a lot of people probably assumed Sheeran’s appearance would include dragons and swords. But it’s been revealed that he will play a part he’s already quite familiar with — a musician. And he only has one scene, interacting with actress (and young fan) Maisie Williams.

Entertainment Tonight chatted with Sheeran, who revealed that he has yet to even see the scene.

"I haven't seen it yet! I just know the scene I did, I did with Maisie [Williams], and it's decent. I like it," he said. "Nothing exciting happens in this scene, we just have a conversation and that's kind of it."

 Sheeran seems a little surprised as to why people are overly invested, even hinting that fans might be somewhat disappointed when all is said and done.

"People will just be like, 'Oh...oh, all right,'" he noted. "It's not an integral part of it, at all. I'm just like, in it."

Sheeran also told the show that as far as bloopers go, he only had one — not wearing thermal socks when he was outside for the ten-hour shoot. But hey — rookie mistake.