Ed Sheeran shows off his soccer skills in this behind-the-scenes video for “Rolling Stone”

We knew he was a great musician, but this is the first time we’ve truly gotten to set our eyes on his athletic skills! Ed Sheeran showcased some soccer moves during his very first cover shoot for Rolling Stone, and we’re pretty impressed. (Of course, according to Sheeran, it’d be “football” — but no matter what you call the sport, it still requires a good amount of coordination.)

As you can tell in the video, Rolling Stone got a ton of great shots of Sheeran during the shoot. And while we love seeing Sheeran hard at work, we also love getting the rare, behind the scenes look at how covers at a major magazine are created.

It almost makes us want to invest in an actual camera. (No offense, iPhone.)


The video showcases the best-of moments of Sheeran’s shoot, which looks like it was a lot of fun. Soccer balls aside, Sheeran also got to play around with a few other different props in a few different wardrobes.

Since a lot of the video is shot in slow motion, it truly makes Sheeran look pretty darn majestic.

Case in point:


Ed Sheeran’s cover story is definitely an interesting one. Already released through RollingStone.com, Sheeran talks a lot about his relationship with Taylor Swift, the multiple injuries he’s had while touring, and of course, the journey which got him to where he is today.

We’ll definitely be reading his issue of Rolling Stone while listening to his album Divide, which just released at the beginning of the month.

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