We’re eating up these portraits of pop culture’s favorite foods

The middle seasons of Breaking Bad were the best —partly because of Gus Fring (that poise! That striking, calm voice that sent shivers down our spines!), and also partly because every time the show mentioned or visited Los Pollos Hermanos, the fictional fried chicken chain/meth-smuggling front in the show, we all got sudden cravings for it. (No? Just me? Cool.)

It’s safe to say that, like the fashion of Clueless or the jewelry of Lord of the Rings, the iconic foods (real or made up) of fictional universes are instantly recognizable, and have even inspired real life recreations. Los Pollos Hermanos in Breaking Bad; Duff beer in The Simpsons; Apollo Candy in Lost. Artist Joshua Budich, whose portfolio is chock full of pop culture references and reverence, has put together eye-popping portraits of some of modern media’s most enduring, though not all appetizing, food references.

Budich’s work is currently up for viewing at a show called Fictional Food at LA-based space Gallery 1988, which specializes in pop culture-based shows, but for those of you who can’t make the trek, we’ve spotlighted some of our favorites below.

(In order: The Simpsons, Ghostbusters, Arrested Development, Monsters Inc., The Lord of the Rings, Spirited Away, Silence of the Lambs.)

View the rest of the images on Gallery 1998’s website.

(Images via.)