Rad, last-minute e-cards to send your mom on Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is coming up fast, and while we know you’re totally on top of getting your mom the perfect gift that shows just how much you care, in case you need something super last minute, we’ve got your back. Sometimes the simplest gestures can be the most meaningful, and when you’ve got miles between you and your loved one (or, you know, you’re just super forgetful), you can’t always depend on snail mail to get the message there on time — which is why e-cards are so amazing. For those of us who are far away from our moms, the mother figures in our lives, or even just the women we admire and appreciate, an e-card is an easy way to send a little love their way this Mother’s Day. Here are just a few of our favorites. (And yes, they’re all free to send.)
Someecards, available here.
For those of us unafraid to make fun of ourselves, this card is a safe bet. And hey, maybe if you’re upfront and self-aware about how forgetful you are, it’ll work in your favor.
Lean In, available here.
Moms hustle more than anyone else in the world. For all the “lean in” moms in your life, the Lean In organization has made some amazing Mother’s Day e-cards to help show your love and appreciation.
Terao Design, available here.
Tell your mom how cool you think she is this Mother’s Day! For the pop culture savvy mom (or, you know, anyone who just really loves Mean Girls), this gif e-card is the way to go.
Paperless Post, available here.
If your mom has a fur baby, this e-card is a sweet way to bring him/her in on the Mother’s Day fun. You can customize it with your own picture (I’ve included my mom’s dog/sheep/pillow, Benny), change the color of the leash, and even put in a different personal message.
Adam J. Kurtz for Buzzfeed, available here.
Brutally honest e-cards are always a great twist on a cheesy standard, especially if you can get a laugh out of it. This series combines the charm of a homemade card with the ease of an email. (But seriously. You should call your mom.)
JibJab, available here.
For moms with a great sense of humor, JibJab has a ton of amazing customizable video e-cards that are guaranteed to bring the giggles. Make your mom the star of a roller disco, rap video, ’70s action flick, and more — and yes, they are absolutely ridiculous in the best way.
Jennifer Lewis for Flavorwire, available here.
Family first, Gigglers. Arrested Development‘s matriarch, Lucille Bluth, is one of our favorite moms on Netflix — and while the Bluths are definitely a dysfunctional family (albeit a hilarious one), they make for some pretty flawless Mother’s Day e-cards.
Someecards, available here.
Sibling rivalry is all too real sometimes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be funny. This e-card is the perfect twist on the age-old question, “Who’s your favorite kid?”
Jennifer Lewis for Buzzfeed, available here.
Now’s the time to acknowledge all the incredible things your mom has done for you throughout your life — starting from the beginning. This e-card is as straight-forward as it gets.
Lady Bug E-Cards, available here.
After all those years of music lessons and soccer practice, show your mom you care with two wide-eyed cartoon cats dancing on a piano. (It’s delightfully weird, we promise.)
Paperless Post, available here.
There’s nothing quite like busting out the old pictures to really get emotions flowing — so if you can’t do it in person this year, why not send it virtually? This e-card allows you to include any picture you’d like (preferably old-school, obviously) and change the message to something personal. (Here I am as an adorable toddler hanging out with my badass mom.)
Rattlebox, available here.
Hear us out on this one, because we know it doesn’t photograph as well as the others. Rattlebox has a super fun variety of video e-cards for Mother’s Day that you can add customizable messages to, and all of them are wonderful. This one is the “Hoppy Mother’s Day!” video (get it?), but we also love the “Awesome Mom” one (which features a ton of fun, vintage footage) and the “Beary Nice Mother’s Day” one (which features singing bears).
Jennifer Lewis for Buzzfeed, available here.
An aesthetically-pleasing promise of what’s to come is way better than a frantic text message basically saying the same thing. If you’re planning on sending your mom a belated card off the Internet, here’s a nice way to let her know it’s en route.
And if all else fails, just send her this gif.
Happy Mother’s Day, Gigglers!