Watching Dwayne Johnson eat candy for the first time in 27 years (!!!) is amazing

We all know that Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) is super buff and healthy, but we didn’t know that he was the type to never splurge on candy! Apparently he’s just not really into sweet treats, and hasn’t tasted candy since he ate a Twizzler in a move theater back in 1989…yep, a whopping 27 years ago.

So, he was a guest on The Tonight Show last night, and of course Jimmy Fallon couldn’t resist in offering Johnson an assortment of yummy sweet treats to try.

The best part was when Fallon dug behind his desk and brought out a GIANT (we mean GIANT!) gummy worm, and Johnson took the opportunity to get a little fun and saucy for the audience.

Fallon really had a tough time, because Dwayne Johnson — despite looking enthusiastic about all the different types of candy — just wouldn’t be tempted! Just kidding. He might be a mega-famous actor, but he’s also only human, meaning he couldn’t resist the sweet taste of nostalgia in delicious Twizzler form, and even masked his trepidation when Fallon poured Pop Rocks into his mouth!

All in all, it’s pretty amusing to watch two grown men in suits mess around with gummy candy. It’s clear that Dwayne Johnson enjoyed his trip back to 1989 with Fallon, and maybe he’ll even change his candy habits from now on! Probably not, but this teaser of “what could be” was 100% worth it.

Watch the whole video here. Warning: it will make your mouth water for something sweet!