This duvet cover has gone viral for the most LOL-worthy reason ever

NOTE: We promise this isn’t one of those stare-at-the-picture-only-to-get-your-pants-scared-off-by-a-demon-popping-out-at-you snafus that the internet has been playing for years. We’re not mean like that. But once you see the answer to this prank, we can’t guarantee you’ll be any less annoyed — in a funny way though!

Okay, take your time with this one and look closely. Can you see anything strange going on in this picture of a seemingly normal duvet cover?

Need some help? Maybe look around the entirety of the picture. Think outside the box, if you will.


Give up? Okay, brace yourselves for the answer …

…It’s a red hula hoop, not a red circle. It’s just a regular hula hoop leaning on a bed.


Don’t feel bad if you were duped. You’re definitely not alone. The duvet cover photo was uploaded onto Imagur two days ago and has been viewed over 65,000 times, with some viewers leaving comments such as:


If you received this photo from a friend trying to pull a fast one on you, here are a few all-in-good-fun internet jokes to send back their way!

Try sending them this ~ link ~ to one of the most annoying, but funny, internet pranks out there.

They’ll have to click their way to freedom only to be greeted by an outdated smiley face emoji. Great fun. 10/10.

There’s always this creepy AF photo of Adele that had people buzzing earlier this year.

Tell them to “flip the screen” to make the image even more puzzling. It’s not exactly a trick, but it’s freaky enough to cause a mild stir of laughter from your prank nemesis.

Or you can always go with the prank of the century and rely on your old friend, Rick Astley to get your revenge.

Sure, you might be called “outdated,” since this meme originally made its debut during the 2008 Opening Day for the New York Mets. Fans had voted in Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” as the new pump-up song to be played before each Mets game. The crowds hated it but the internet thrived on it. You can’t deny it’s potency to annoy.

Remember kids, play nicely with these pranks! Stimulate laughter, not tears! What’s the internet for if not for sharing funny pictures of cats and duvet covers, amiright?