There’s a new donut at Disneyland, and it’s made from this special cookie

Start looking up one-way tickets to Disneyland, because we have some serious dessert news that will take you straight to heaven. There’s a new donut in town, and it’s based on the Matterhorn macaroon cookie. Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s talk about what the Matterhorn macaroon cookie is.
It’s a huge, coconut macaroon with an avalanche of melted white chocolate on top, with a layer of snow (read: sugar), and it’s been such a huge hit at Disneyland that they’ve turned it into a donut. Yes, a donut.
Allow us to introduce you to the Matterhorn Macaroon Donut.
Isn’t it glorious? It’s a huge donut topped with a thick layer of caramel drizzle, toasted coconut, and a hefty handful of Matterhorn macaroons.
It truly is the donut jackpot. It was just released at Disneyland, but it will only be available for a limited time. We don’t know how long exactly the Matterhorn Macaroon Donut will be available, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, so, like we said, book your ticket to Disneyland ASAP.
You can find this victorious donut on Main Street at the Coffee Cart, between Sleeping Beauty’s Castle and Frontierland. It only costs $6.
The Coffee Cart that’s responsible for this donut makes new specialty donuts every week, so we’re guessing it won’t be around for that much longer. The good news is, if you don’t get there in time to snag one, you can always get a Matterhorn macaroon at the Jolly Holiday Bakery on Main Street. Those are available all year round.
But why settle for Matterhorn macaroons when you can shack up with a Matterhorn Macaroon Donut?! Yum.