Donald Trump’s son Barron looked exhausted and disoriented last night, is all of us right now

Struggling to find suitable words to describe how you feel right now? SAME, Y’ALL. SAME. But if we had to put a face to what *most* of us are likely experiencing right now, it would be the exhausted, disoriented look displayed on the face of Donald Trump’s son Barron, who could barely keep his eyes open during his dad’s victory speech last night.

All of the hoopla surrounding the 2016 presidential election has been draining enough to send us all into a stress-induced slumber, but if it was our dad celebrating his new post as leader of the free world, we’d probably be a little more enthusiastic. Seriously, the perks of being first kid have to be a little exciting, no?

Then again, we aren’t a perpetually unimpressed 10-year-old, but we do share his sentiments of being all the way OVER these political shenanigans.