Donald Trump tweeted a woman he thought was Ivanka, and this woman’s response was perfect

In today’s Presidential twitter news ? Donald Trump accidentally tweeted the wrong Ivanka, thinking he was tweeting his daughter Ivanka Trump. Instead, he’d tweeted a woman named Ivanka Majic.

Majic‘s Twitter handle is simply @Ivanka, and the PEOTUS had merely quoted a tweet written by someone else. Clearly, he didn’t take the time to be sure the tweet included the correct handle for his daughter’s account.

“@drgoodspine: @realDonaldTrump @Ivanka Trump is great, a woman with real character and class,” the tweet read.

Majic handled the snafu with real character and class, alerting Trump to the great responsibilities ahead, that far exceed the simple task of checking his tweets.

“And you’re a man with great responsibilities. May I suggest more care on Twitter and more time learning about #climatechange.”


“It’s not a new thing,” Majic told Good Morning Britain. “I’ve had the @Ivanka handle for a long time, it’s my name. All the way through the election I’ve been tweeted and I did during the election have a Twitter box encouraging people to vote for Hillary [Clinton]. It’s also quite amusing because I’m getting all this attention and yet my politics couldn’t be further from Donald Trump’s. So rather than being concerned about the space he puts in his tweets, I’m more concerned about his stance on climate change.”

Riighhtt? #IvankaMajic for #headofEPA!!

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