Just FYI: Donald Trump just won Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia

Settle in, friends in the United States of America. It’s Election Night here from coast to coast, and voting is beginning to wind down on the East Coast. While Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton just managed to win Vermont, Republican Candidate Donald Trump just snagged himself Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia.

All three of these states are considered red Republican states, so this is no big surprise. Indiana carries with it 11 Electoral College votes, while Kentucky has 8. West Virginia, meanwhile, has 5. This means that Trump now has 24 votes towards his bid for president.

But! These are still just the first four states to be called, and we’ve still got 46 more to go! Judging from these first reports, it is in fact going to be a very tight race between the two candidates, and not like we have to tell you again (for the millionth time) every single vote counts!

There are still polling locations open on the East Coast (at the time of writing) and it’s not even dinner time on the West Coast. You’ve still got plenty of time to make it out and cast your vote for our next President of the United States, and red, blue, whoever you’re voting for, it matters.

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