How this image of dogs is changing the way people think about their (and others’) bodies

Humans come in all shapes and sizes. And so do our best friends (we’re talking about dogs obviously). So it’s absolutely brilliant that somebody thought to combine the natural beauty and happiness in dogs into a message that humans can learn from themselves.

That’s what the people at The Moderation Movement recently did. And it’s absolutely perfect. false

Looking at that totally diverse lineup of adorable dogs makes you want to give them all loads of affection. Not once do you think to judge any little element of their appearance because, well, they’re dogs. Each one has its own breed, characteristics, and personality. Yet sometimes we do that with other people (or critique ourselves). But critiquing ours and other’s bodies seems silly when you use this analogy to think of every person as their own unique breed (though, admittedly, we lack the furry faces and paws).

And since we already love the diversity that these beautiful pups can come it, it can be a beautiful reminder to help us better love our own human diversity.

The simple message of “We never judge a Labrador for not looking like a Greyhound” is a great note we can all take to just enjoy what we are and live in it rather than wishing we were someone else. Of course, everyone has a different relationship with their body so it’s important to keep in mind that you can be happy and healthy by being true to yourself (no matter who you truly are).

But what we love most in this message is the simple, true statement that we are all unique and different just like dogs. Therefore we should love ourselves with the same fervor we feel for our Fidos.

And that is something we can happily get behind.


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