A dog and his owner take an epic road-trip before they have to say goodbye

Are you ready to feel all the feelings and cry all the tears you never even knew you had? OK. We can’t say we didn’t warn you, though. These last few months, a very special dog’s owner has decided to take him on a very special trip. Because Poh the Dog doesn’t have very much much time left here (weeks, to be exact) —the poor pup, according to KTLA, is suffering from tumors and kidney failure. So to make the best and the most of his remaining days, Thomas Neil Rodriguez is taking him road-tripping across the country.

So far, they’ve been to Hollywood, Santa Monica, The Alamo in San Antonio, Rockaway Beach, Bourbon Street, Graceland, Washington D.C. and more. Poh has played in the ocean, has witnessed cool street art, and sprawled in the green almost-summer grass. And when he gets tired, Rodriguez lets him chill in his cart. You can follow Poh’s adventures on his Instagram (I would totally have some Kleenex on hand though).

Poh in Vegas

Times Square

In Austin

New Orleans, obvs

Rodriguez, who adopted Poh when he was 8 weeks old, tells New York Daily News, “The unfortunate fact is that we’re all going to pass away. I’m kind of determined to live it to the fullest with Poh.” When asked about Poh and how much time he has left, Rodriguez said, “They were like, we can’t tell you [how much time he has left] but you could have days. He could be gone any day.”

Which is why Rodriguez decided to go ALL OUT and totally seize the day (or, rather, the world) for Poh. Rodriguez, his fiancée, and Poh have traveled over 12,000 miles so far.

Mr. Poh goes to Washington

Next up, Hollywood

Coney Island!

It’s been three whole months since Poh’s diagnosis, and according to Rodriguez, “he’s still with me, still alive and still has high spirits…the adventure hasn’t stopped yet.”

(Images via Instagram)