This dog reacted to tasting a sour warhead in the most hilarious and relatable way

Watching dogs’ faces light up as they gleefully gobble treats is one of the many perks of pet ownership. We love treats too, but what’s the point if they’re gross? That’s probably the burning question on the mind of this dog that ate a sour warhead candy.

According to Mashable, YouTube user MrJdm365 let his “begging” puppy sample the bitter candy. Apparently, the dog does that intense stare that dog owners truly understand to be non-verbal canine-speak for, “Gimme some of whatever you’re eating right now,” which prompted this taste test gone awry.

Like the pooch that ate a lime, this dog clearly shares in his fellow canine pal’s disgust for all things bitter.

Oof, poor puppy learned a harsh lesson. But TBQH, we can’t blame him. After all, sour warheads aren’t exactly at the top of our list of candy faves.