Disney World is offering a crazy rare deal on park tickets — for a limited time

Summer is the perfect time to make a beautiful Disney memory. And if you’re looking to visit Disney World at a bargain price, now is the time to pounce.
Because Disney World announced that they’re lowering the cost of their “4-Park Magic Ticket” for a limited time only.
Normally, on peak days you would pay $115 per day (plus tax) for a single day pass to the parks. But with the rare discounted ticket, you’ll only pay $79 per day for an adult ticket, and $74 per day for three to nine-year-old kids. The discounted “4-Park Magic Ticket” will allow ticket holders to get into each one of the four theme parks — Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom — once over the span of four separate days. Unfortunately, you can’t use two of the days to get into MK, even though we know you really, really want to.
But, there are plenty of cool things at the other three parks, and with this discounted price, it means you’ll have more money to splurge on all sorts of delightful souvenirs and sweet treats!
This special ticket rate will be available through July 30th, and you’ll need to use all four park days by September 30th. But, that still gives you plenty of time to purchase, plan, and play.
The tickets expire two weeks after you first use them, or by September 30th, which ever happens first.
And keep in mind that that $79 per day rate is based on purchasing the full “4-Park Magic Ticket,” so the full discounted ticket price for adults is $316 (plus tax). And the full discounted price for children ages 3 to 9 is $296 (also plus tax).
With so much incredible entertainment already at Disney World, this is the perfect excuse to check it all out. And Disney just keeps adding even more unique and exciting parks and attractions. So get your Mickey hats, your comfiest glass slippers, and your sunscreen ready for this discounted adventure of a lifetime.