Disneyland now has pineapple churros, because Dole Whips cannot be stopped

It goes without saying that our love for Dole Whip knows no bounds. Whenever a brand new flavor of the iconic pineapple soft serve is released, we can be found at Disneyland, worshipping at the altar of the Dole Whip Gods.
Over the last few months, the Disney park has been bringing the Dole Whip obsession to a whole new level but this time, Disneyland has gone above and beyond the call of duty, combining our beloved Dole Whip with another Disney Parks staple near and dear to our hearts: Churros. That’s right, Disneyland is now selling Pineapple Churros.
The churros come in a little steep at $5.25, but we have a feeling they’ll be out of this world…andso worth it. Officially on the hunt for the new must-have Disneyland treat? Pineapple Churros can be found at the legendary churro cart right on Main Street USA. Can you churro believe? Consider Pineapple Cotton Candy and Pineapple Doughnuts are officially canceled as we make room for our brand new (but likely temporary) obsession.
And let’s face it, we all love a photogenic snack:
And for an extra dollar, the Pineapple Churro comes with a marshmallow dipping sauce…because every Disney treat needs a costume change.
But as if Pineapple Churros themselves aren’t genius enough, some of the best innovators on the internet have come up with a creation that can only be dubbed a Dole Whip legacy treat. In a beautiful passing of the torch, this future Nobel laureate in food design combined a Pineapple Churro with the Dole Whip in its original form, creating the ultimate snack.
Tell me this doesn’t bring a tear to your eye:
Never underestimate the power of Dole Whip.
Run, don’t walk — but please drive carefully — to Disneyland because you’re going to need to get your hands on a Pineapple Churro right now.