So, here’s what Disney princesses would actually look like if they were historically accurate

The Disney princesses who we know and love (and love to see recreated and reimagined here on HelloGiggles) may be fashionistas in their own right, but their styles aren’t exactly historically accurate. So, here’s where artist Claire Hummel steps in to give us a good idea of what these fictional ladies would REALLY look like if their wardrobes were true to their decade.

Hummel, an extremely talented production designer at HBO, is also a fashion historian. Oh yeah, and she’s an amazing illustrator. Seriously, is there anything she can’t do?! (Answer: nope.) When you combine her talents together, what you get is this: stunning illustrations that depict beloved Disney princesses in a historically accurate light.

In other words, each drawing takes viewers back in time as they marvel at the intricate details that adorn the characters’ clothes. Even though these styles do differ from the ones we’ve seen in Disney films, they are still just as magical and luxurious. And when you put these works of art together, what you have is a History of Fashion collection. And we love, love, love it.

Now, let’s hop in our time machine and take a look at the past…

If you, too, would like to become a fashion historian, here is Claire’s advice: 1) Get off the Internet and look at real books. 2) Expand your costume vocabulary by writing down words you don’t understand so that you can Google them later. 3) Follow blogs that chronicle historical fashion. 4) Learn how clothing is constructed and put together (ex: learn how to sew). 5) Don’t be afraid to ask for help and to learn from others who are more knowledgeable. Also – for a ton of resources, click here.

[Images via Tumblr]

Watch these Disney princesses get a historically accurate makeover 

This is what Disney princesses look like with realistic waists

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