Disney will donate $1 for every picture you share to help empower girls around the world
It’s not like you really need a reason to snap a picture with your favorite Princess while visiting the Disney Parks, but now you’ve got a REALLY GOOD reason. Starting right now, and running through October, for every selfie and heavily-filtered image you share, Disney will donate $1 to Girl Up, a part of the United Nations Foundation.
If that’s not a good reason to wait in line to meet Rapunzel, we’re not sure what is.
But your images don’t have to feature a princess. Rather, Disney’s just looking to inspire kids — both girls and boys! — to dream big. Whether that involves a magic carpet or a glass slipper is up to you.
This is all part of Disney’s latest Dream Big Princess photography campaign that aims to empower kids around the world to dream big.
Now that you’re hooked, and maybe crying some happy princess tears yourself, how can you help? Go ahead and open your favorite social media account, because for every image you share on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with one of the approved hashtags (#DreamBigPrincess, #soyprincesasiendoyo, #souprincesasoureal, #CroisEnTresRevesPrincesse, #GlaubeAnDichPrinzessin, #ConquistaTusSueños, #HayalleriniYaşaPrenses — the full list is here), Disney Worldwide Services will donate $1 to Girl Up, for a minimum donation of $500,000, and a maximum of $1 million.
The campaign runs from right now until October 11th, so you’ve got plenty of time to share multiple photos.
For any post of a photo using #DreamBigPrincess on social media @Disney donates $1 (up to $1 million) to @GirlUp’s girls leadership program! pic.twitter.com/g8InaRcblI
— Girl Up (@GirlUp) August 15, 2017
The money will support Girl Up’s leadership development programs, and these programs “engage girls to take action and advocate for themselves and girls globally, giving them empowering tools to help transform the world.”
So put that selfie with Cinderella to good use.