And now for some Disney animals reimagined as humans

Here at Hello Giggles, we love reimagined Disney princesses, whether they’ve become the characters from Mean Girls, or hanging out with their movie villains. But, they’re not the only Disney characters out there. What about all the Disney animals? Over the years, there have actually been more Disney four-legged friends than princesses, and it’s about time they got their day to shine. Thankfully, one Tumblr artist has already taken on this task, and reimagined Disney animals as humans. Be prepared to be blown away.

Pugletto, an artist from Wisconsin, found herself scrolling through the big Internet one day, when she became frustrated at the lack of diversity when it came to reimagine Disney characters. She became especially frustrated with reimagined Simbas featuring light skin and red hair, she decided to create his own version.

“The way I see it, is The Lion King is a story that takes place in Africa,” she explained to Cosmopolitan, “I reimagined the characters as humans the way they would look if they were from Africa.”

Here are our beloved (and not-so beloved —AHEM Scar and pack of hyenas) characters from The Lion King:

And here they are reimagined, as realistic humans who could have existed in The Lion King. Can you guess who’s who?

Aaaaand here’s a closer look at what Simba would look like as a young adult. What a babe.

Her Lion King recreations were such a hit, she decided to keep going and morph more animals into humans. As she explains, “The project went from alleviating my frustrations to employing diversity where there was a blatant absence of it.”

Check out her other renditions, including The Jungle Book, and Lady and the Tramp.

And bonus, because Frozen and because it’s great. She then did the exact opposite, and reimagined human Elsa as a snow queen dog. Um, brilliant.

Images via here.

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