Did you spot this super romantic detail in ‘Notting Hill’?
Ready for a little stroll down Notting Hill memory lane? Julia Roberts’ Anna is a movie star trying to find a little normalcy in her life, and Hugh Grant’s William owns a bookstore far, far away from the Hollywood lifestyle. That’s a clear cut situation for a perfect rom-com.
Obviously they fall madly in love, over the course of many ups and downs, and the movie ends with them happily together. But did you happen to notice the couple’s wedding cake? Buzzfeed did and now they’ve totally made us love the move even more.
Early in the movie, while trying to hide out from the paparazzi, Anna ends up in Will’s apartment, where she notices a poster he’s got of Chagall’s “La Mariée.” The two have a quick throw-away discussion about the painting, with Anna noting that it perfectly describes how “how love should be, floating through a dark blue sky.” Will is then quick to respond, “With a goat. Playing the violin.” To which Anna then quips, “happiness isn’t happiness without a violin-playing goat.”
It’s a cute little moment where the two of them bond over something together. Later on, the painting comes back, when Anna buys Will the actual Chagall original, because they’re in luv. They’re so in luv, that when it comes time for the two to marry, their wedding cake is actually Chagall-themed.
Do you see that?? Not only is that a top-notch delicious looking wedding cake, but that most certainly appears to be a white chocolate goat with a violin. If that’s not happiness, I don’t know what is.
(Images via Working Title Films)