Debbie Reynolds perfectly voiced these iconic cartoon characters from our childhoods

The shock of Debbie Reynolds death is still hard for many to process. Looking back on her life, she shared so much of herself onscreen. Of course, she’s well-known for her breakout starring role in Singin’ in the Rain. And she remained an active actress well into her later years.

But you may not realize that Debbie Reynolds also voiced several iconic children’s cartoon characters.

Most famously, she was the soothing and knowledgable Charlotte of Charlotte’s Web. Many people forget that the wonderful wisdom coming from that beloved insect came to life through Reynolds’ talented vocal chords.

The beautiful advice Charlotte gives Wilbur in that classic scene coupled with that bittersweet song have us even more emotional than ever before.

This seems like the perfect time to give that heartwarming ’70s movie another watch.

Reynolds’ beautiful voice was also utilized in other cartoon characters. She was the voice of Lulu Pickles from Rugrats. And she was Nana Possible on Kim Possible.

Basically, she was as lovable and charming in her voiceover work as she was onscreen.

Her incredible talent meant she continued to work for decades in an ever-changing industry. And we can certainly see (and hear) why. She was a one-of-a-kind performer and we are grateful for all the amazing entertainment she gave us during her lifetime.