America Ferrera, Amber Tamblyn, and so many other celebrities are standing with Christine Blasey Ford in this new video

As reports of the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh spread, many have questioned the motives and credibility of his accuser, research psychologist and professor Christine Blasey Ford. But for all the (unfair) animosity and doubt that’s been hurled at Ford, there have been people ready to support her and her truth. In a recent viral video entitled “Dear Professor Ford,” dozens of celebrities and activists are sending the powerful message that they believe her allegations.

The video was tweeted by director Paola Mendoza on September 19th and features actresses like Julianne Moore, America Ferrera, Amber Tamblyn, Eva Longoria, and Gabrielle Union alongside activists like Parkland survivor Delaney Tarr, Girls Who Code founder Reshma Saujani, and National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) director Ai-jen Poo. The women read from a script addressed to Ford, stating that they believe her allegations.

"Dear Professor Ford," the video begins, "we know how difficult it is to stand up to powerful people. We want to thank you for publicly sharing your story of sexual violence. As members of the Senate determine whether Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should serve as a Supreme Court Justice, this context is critical."

As the video continues, the women say, “You are strong. And you are not alone,” and, “You and your testimony are credible.” Mendoza tweeted the video alongside a call for viewers to contact their senators and ask for Ford’s accusation to be investigated by the FBI—something that, as NPR reported, Ford has requested but that has been denied by Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The video has been retweeted more than 17,000 times as of September 20th, along with the hashtags #DearProfessorFord and #WeBelieveYou. Baltimore NBC affiliate WBAL TV reports that NDWA is behind the viral video.

According to CNN, as of September 20th, Ford’s team has said she is willing to testify against Kavanaugh if offered “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety.” Given the traumatic nature of her experience, it’s only right that the Senate work to make sure she feels comfortable coming forward.

Survivors of sexual harassment and assault are too often doubted and shamed, and it’s inspiring to see so many women showing their support during this critical moment. We hope Ford is given the opportunity to tell her story fairly, and as always, we stand with all those fighting for the same right.

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