Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool can’t stop trolling Avengers, and this is honestly getting out of hand

Nobody markets a film like Deadpool — especially if it means trolling *other* marketing campaigns. The first installment of the Ryan Reynolds-let franchise made its mark by making fun of just about everything and it’s clear nothing’s changed this time around.
Just weeks after congratulating Avengers: Infinity War on its ridiculous box office success by sharing Wade Wilson’s Avengers rejection letter, Deadpool is looking to copy the success of the MCU film like it’s a 7th grade math quiz.
Following Marvel Studios’ *very* aggressive anti-spoiler campaign for Avengers: Infinity War — you *definitely* saw the idle threats from Thanos demanding silence — the latest Marvel movie is following suit…literally. Reynolds took to Instagram and Twitter this morning to reveal that Deadpool 2 *also* wants your sisters err, silence. At least they’re keeping it all in the Marvel family…sort of.
The hilarious letter, addressed to “the greatest fans in the whole universe,” asks fans to keep spoilers — like the very real spoiler that the titular superhero does, in fact, die in this one — to themselves. It also poked fun of the oft-mentioned fact that most of the Infinity War cast (ahem, Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo) wasn’t allowed to read the full script to avoid spoilers by revealing that even Reynolds is in the dark about Deadpool 2‘s ending. So nobody tell him he’s getting killed off.
Naturally, the letter ended with a very cheeky “#WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryStupidAutocorrectSilence.”
Considering Josh Brolin is also in Deadpool 2, this marketing campaign is meta in the best possible way.
In true Deadpool form, the film also took a dig at its own studio, 20th Century Fox, which is in negotiations to merge with Disney. While the letter is written on “official” 20th Century Fox paper, the name and logo in the letterhead have been crossed out and replaced with a handwritten “TBD.”
Never change, Deadpool. Deadpool 2 opens on May 18th.